eEnrolment provides for the school a one-stop solution to manage all extra-curricular activities. It serves essential tasks including online enrolment, registration confirmation, electronic payment, attendance taking and statistical attendance analysis. This would help the school save manpower and resources even when handling numerous activities of a great variety, which is in high demand in the education field today. |

Flexible Customisation
- Set up application arrangements for different kinds of activities
- Customise application requirements (eg. target students, study level, quota and max./min. number of club memberships)
- Enrolment is not only open to students. Parents and teachers can also apply for activities through the system
- Freely edit participants lists of events or club memberships
Simple Steps to Enrol
- Both students and parents can enroll via the Internet
- If over-subscribed, the computer would draw random applicants to enroll
- In case there is time clash, applicants will receive a system alert
- Overview of application status is available for each club
Taking Attendance at Hand
- Take attendance on the Internet or with Smart Card
- View summary charts of student attendance
Automated Record of Fees and Activity Performance
- Record students’ activity data, teacher reviews they receive and pariticipation hours as a part of “Other Learning Experiences” (OLE)
- Students can pay relevant fees with SmartCard, to which all payment items are automatically added
- Teachers-in-charge can evaluate students’ performance in all activities on the system
- Students’ activity data can be exported to their iPortfolio