
eReportCard helps the school manage academic results and draw up report cards. It consists of multifold functions as to online scoring, final marks computation, score ranking, score reviewing, report card formatting, printing by class etc. Data can be linked to WebSAMS and iPortfolio. Flexibility in Report Card Design Show or hide particular student data, results summary, teacher’s…


ePOS (Electronic Point of Sale) provides the school with a central processing system to manage sale and inventory of all the items on campus. It can integrate with eClass SmartCards to reduce cash transactions and to implement an electronic sales network across campus. One-stop Management of Sale and Inventory Centralised database for sales and stock counting…


ePayment enables the school to handle all money transactions electronically. The safe and reliable system provides clear and detailed records for every account. Safe and Reliable Payment Method The Smart Card, which has no cash value stored and not applicable for transactions outside the campus, effectively prevents misappropriation and theft Simple Top-Up Cash, cheques, bank deposits or PPS No…


eAttendance records the attendance of students and teaching staff to help reduce the administrative workload. The system fully integrates with eClass SmartCard and supports direct import of data to WebSAMS, so that complex data-input procedures are no longer needed. eAttendance for Students Flexible Reporting Time Setting Customise the reporting time to fit any timetable, by…