
PowerBoard combines a whiteboard and eLearning to provide a dynamic platform for students and teachers to express creativity in class. Teachers can instantly transform the scribble on PowerBoard into eLearning content. Students can use it to jot notes, do online assignments or projects. Application : Teaching materials, class activities, learning assessment Logical thinking, presentation skills, knowledge…

Document Routing

Document Routing helps the school establish a flow of file circulation, as to editing documents, soliciting comments, obtaining approval and tracking progress. It helps the school enhance administrative transparency, clarify division of labor and monitor the workflow. Establish a Document Routing Process Circulate a document within a group of people in sequence or all at…

Digital Archive

Digital Archive accomplishes the revolutionary concept of centralising and digitising all school documents. Compatible with multiple platforms, the system makes document search and management much easier and enables paperless administration, which helps saving storage space and cost. Centralised School Database Central storage of various types of digital files, e.g. text, video, webpage and image Retrieve files…


eBooking manages the bookings of all spaces, facilities and equipment on a centralized system to reduce manual administrative effort. The school may observe the booking status of everything to ensure of the effective use of resources. Reserve for a Flexible Amount of Time Bookings can be made for a certain number of lesson hours or for…


eInventory is an asset management system enabling schools to manage various items in a systematic way and to make full use of existing resources. It facilitates the transition of the Incorporated Management Committee (IMC) and the transfer of assets, including classification, record keeping, counting and checking. Systematic Data Storage Systematically store and manage all information of school’s furniture and equipment, including category,…


Student portfolio is highly recognised by educators for its important value, as it serves not only as a learning record but also a reflective guide along a student’s learning journey. With this in mind, eClass has developed a comprehensive learning portfolio system, iPortfolio, which has been the most popular among schools in Hong Kong since…

iCalender plus

iCalendar is a personalised calendar shareable among students and teachers. It is convenient for recording dates and scheduling events, and it sends alerts for important tasks and events. Calendar View View multiple calendars at the same time, as in the personal calendar and group calendars, which can all be labelled in different colors Merge school…


陸運會和水運會是學校每年一度的盛事,不僅能夠提升學生身體的健康狀況和體能素質,還能夠培養學生的團隊協作精神和競爭意識,促進學生的全面發展;同時,陸運會和水運會也能夠增強學校的凝聚力。為確保陸運會和水運會順利舉行,師生往往需要投入大量時間於籌備工作中。「eSports Plus 運動會管理系統」能協助處理這些繁瑣的賽前工作,並有效率地處理比賽當日的賽程安排、名次排列等事項,讓師生盡情投入有益身心的陸運會與水運會中。 運動會前運動會當日運動會後 學生和家長可於開放報名的期間輕鬆在平台、eClass Student App 及 Parent App 上直接報名,提高賽事的參與度 一鍵自動安排賽程,清晰列出當日分組及線道詳情 在 eClass Teacher App、Student App 及 Parent App 上查看賽程表 自動生成運動會當日所需的文件如比賽成績紙、號碼布等,節省時間和人力,同時確保資料的準確性 校方自訂不同得分規則及編排賽項時序,方便製作活動場刊 還有更多… 比賽進行期間,負責老師可在收集分紙後直接在平台入分,並迅速產生決賽名單 即時於 Teacher App、Parent App 及 Student App 上掌握各項賽事的分組名單和成績 實時更新每組賽項的排名、以及分組個人成績,讓司令台能接收最新及最準確的資訊,預備頒發獎項 還有更多… 提供多樣性的紀錄報告,按需要查看每班、社、以至全校的參賽統計,有助於老師對學生進行更精準的評估和指導 於平台一覽歷年比賽最佳紀錄保持者,更容易發掘和了解學生在不同領域的優勢,鼓勵他們參與大型運動比賽 還有更多… 「iPortfolio 電子學習檔案」整合體適能數據 整合體適能數據至 iPortfolio 電子學習檔案,提供多樣性報告及圖表分析學生的健康狀況 家長、老師和學生可於 Parent App、Teacher App 和 Student App 輕鬆查看體適能數據 AI 一鍵生成運動員推薦信,支援學生的體育發展 還有更多…


eEnrolment provides for the school a one-stop solution to manage all extra-curricular activities. It serves essential tasks including online enrolment, registration confirmation, electronic payment, attendance taking and statistical attendance analysis. This would help the school save manpower and resources even when handling numerous activities of a great variety, which is in high demand in the…


eDiscipline is designed to help the school manage students’ conduct data effectively. Through the system, teachers can better organize disciplinary matters by entering awards and penalties given to students under the school’s criteria. The systematized data would help teachers follow up on particular students, produce reviews and statistical reports. Automated Disciplinary System Fast and accurate…